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Cupolo - Business growth.  Let Paul help you understand your customers.
Cupolo - Business Growth.  Connecting Brands with Buyers logo.

Understand your customers

Build authentic relationships

Make every marketing investment count

Optimise Marketing Spend

Drive revenue & growth

Business Growth

Connecting Brands with Buyers

Before you think about creative,ad spend, event content,in fact any marketing tactic,invest in understanding what makesyour customers (and prospects) tick.

What can we provide?

Marketing performance will always fumble without the right up-front investment in understanding your customers and building effective digital marketing strategies to engage effectively and drive results.
Cupolo can help your business understand what motivates your buyers to buy, how to build long term trusted partnerships and align your offer and values in a way that resonates and drives digital revenue.
  • Let’s face it, we’re not robots (yet) and largely make emotional decisions when we buy and use facts to help justify it. For B2B organisations, this process is complex, long and involves a lot of people. Cupolo helps you understand all the relevant people and to build personas of the key personalities involved in a purchase journey – their rationale to buy, what influences them and how best to align your marketing strategy and tactics.
  • Every day, we make hundreds of decision choices. Many of these are commercial. These choices might appear to be freely made but psychologists have shown that subtle changes to the way products are positioned, described, promoted and marketed can radically alter how customers behave. We’ll show you how.
  • Understand the power of our subconscious to persuade people to buy ethically. What type of stimuli the brain pays attention to, what gets filtered out and how to make your messaging more effective in your marketing tactics.
  • See how taking a behavioural approach to understand the why and how your customers buy can improve all aspects of marketing from pricing to promotions, from media to messaging to build your company’s brand.
  • You’ve done the hard work investing in understanding your customers, what makes them tick emotionally and practically, now use this knowledge to build your marketing strategy. Equip yourself with the necessary practical skills and templates to plan, execute and measure impact and optimise performance. Build customer journeys. Plan digital campaigns effectively. Optimise the marketing funnel and drive sales.

Know how your customer reallythink, feel & act....and let us give you the toolsto change and influence behaviour.

The cost digital advertising is set to rise by 2026



of marketing budgets have been slashed



Of marketing budgets are wasted or not spent!



Don’t waste time or valuablemarketing budget. Take along-term strategic view to engagewith the right customers, with theright message, in the right place.

14 years working with global brands

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